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Position: Bluetech Award

About Bluetech Award

About Bluetech Award
Award Introduction

The Bluetech Award is launched by the Clean Air Alliance of China to bring leading international clean air technologies to the front and center of the fight against China's air pollution. Technologies will be evaluated by a selection committee with a standardized process that verifies their ability and breakthrough potential in terms of environmental benefits, technical performances, and financial viability. Ultimately, the campaign will enable winners to accelerate the application of their technologies in the Chinese market via technology demonstration, customized matchmaking, tapping into CAAC's network and leveraging their tools to help China battle air pollution.

  • InternationalWe seek technologies from leading countries around the world, work with international experts in our selection process, and leverage international media coverage
  • Objective and Scientific Process We use a uniform, systematic assessment methodology to examine all technologies for practical, real-life results. Our methodology includes document review, expert analysis, on-site examinations and lab tests.
  • Result-orientedOur procedure focuses on real-world results.
  • Systematic DisseminationParticipants get featured dissemination at the Bluetech Forum, and through our official website, custom local matchmaking sessions, video releases, WeChat platforms, and media partners.

We adjust the categories of the application each year based on both the most critical technical demands for air pollution improvement and the trends of future clean air policy and technology.

2017 Bluetech Award Categories 2016 Bluetech Award Categories 2015 Bluetech Award Categories
Diesel engine emission reduction (fuel treatment, engine combustion; optimization, engine emission control); Coal combustion emission control (alternative clean energy, waste heat recovery); Diesel engine emission reduction (fuel treatment, engine combustion; optimization, engine emission control); Coal combustion emission control (alternative clean energy, waste heat recovery); VOCs substitution, monitoring & pollution prevention。 Diesel engine emission reduction; Coal combustion emission control (alternative clean energy, waste heat recovery); VOCs substitution, monitoring & pollution prevention; Integrated utilization of crop straws; Indoor air pollution control
2017 Bluetech Award Categories 2016 Bluetech Award Categories 2015 Bluetech Award Categories
Diesel engine emission reduction (fuel treatment, engine combustion; optimization, engine emission control); Coal combustion emission control (alternative clean energy, waste heat recovery); Diesel engine emission reduction (fuel treatment, engine combustion; optimization, engine emission control); Coal combustion emission control (alternative clean energy, waste heat recovery); VOCs substitution, monitoring & pollution prevention。 Diesel engine emission reduction; Coal combustion emission control (alternative clean energy, waste heat recovery); VOCs substitution, monitoring & pollution prevention; Integrated utilization of crop straws; Indoor air pollution control
Related Events

Bluetech International Clean Air Technology Forum is a large-scale, global event dedicated to technologies that improve air quality. The Forum gathered international and domestic experts, industries, investors and government representatives to discuss clean air technologies, policy & market, and witness the ceremony recognizing the Bluetech winners. The organizer will also hold customized matchmaking tours in multiple cities for Bluetech winners to promote their technologies in helping local cities to tackle their air pollution.



根据“世界卫生组织”研究,空气污染是世界范围内对人类健康最大的环境威胁,每年全球都有 700 万到 900 万人因空气污染而死亡。在许多国家,包括中国,空气污染已成为政府和公众关注的首要环境问题。中国政府在 2013 年正式向污染宣战,并在其后五年的蓝天保卫战中首战告捷,取得了巨大的进展。经验表明,中国的空气质量改善还要求对能源结构、工业结构以及交通模式进行深入的清洁化改革,因此,中国的蓝天保卫战,还会有效助力巴黎议定书的实现,遏制全球气候变化。中国不断加严的空气质量政策和标准以及强化的执行, 大大提升了管理部门以及相关产业对清洁技术的需求,并使中国成为了全球最大的清洁技术市场。自 2015 年起,清洁空气联盟发起“创蓝奖”,面向全球征集“治霾神技”,以期通过识别和应用最佳可行清洁空气技术,支持中国的空气污染防治工作。历经三年,创蓝奖已征集到来自16个国家的近 200 项术,通过与创蓝奖的合作,许多获奖技术都在不同领域有效支持了中国的蓝天重现与温室气体的减排,取得了显著的社会效益与环境效益。

2018 年,创蓝奖增设了“创蓝未来独角兽奖”,希望邀请更多的初创企业和团队参与创蓝评选,优选未来“独角兽”,帮助其实现在中国的快速发展,并还希望通过其商业的成功,借助其创新的力量,加速全球清洁化发展,塑造更加清洁的未来。





● 空气污染控制技术;

● 清洁交通和新能源车/船/飞机;

● 清洁能源与可再生能源;

● 储能与能源管理;

● 监测和数据管理;

● 室内空气净化与防护;

● 以及其他在空气质量改善方面有强大潜力的技术。

Assessment Criteria and Process

Gathering clean air technologies from China and overseas, the Bluetech Award provides a platform for technologies to validate and demonstrate core competencies. The Award uses the Clean Air Technology Assessment Methodology to examine real-world results, analyzing environmental benefits, technological performances and financial viabilities to find breakthrough potentials.

●The Assessment uses a standardized, unified framework, including procedures and data QA/QC requirement.

●Integrates various methods including document auditing, expert reviews, on-site examinations and laboratory testing.

●Customized assessment plan for every technology to fully analyze their unique technical performances.

●The assessment is performed by leading Chinese and international experts in relevant fields.


Assessment Process
Form Bluetech Assessment Expert Panel

Includes international clean air technology experts, industrial experts and testing experts

Preliminary Assessment Plan

Design preliminary assessment plan for each category to carry out essential technology screening for advanced assessment

Preliminary Assessment

Using the preliminary assessment plan to conduct a quick evaluation based on technology or product performance data as provided by the applicant

Advanced Assessment Plan

Design specific assessment plans for every technology to assess its breakthrough potential in environmental, technical, and financial fields

Advanced Assessment

Using the advanced assessment plan to assess technology that includes document review, on-site investigation and laboratory testing

Assessment Conclusion and Reports

A full assessment report and a simplified assessment report are issued for each assessed technology

Publicize Assessment Result

The assessment result will be recorded into the website of "Bluetech" and Bluetech winners will be listed into the Bluetech Demo Platform