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Previous Bluetech Award


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Position: 历届创蓝奖»2nd Bluetech Award

2nd Bluetech Award

Bluetech Award

2nd Bluetech Award was lunched in April 2016, attracting 54 technologies from 16 countries. After clean air technology assessment, 5 winners were selected. The awarding ceremony and match-making event was held on December 15 2016.


Diesel engine emission reduction technologies & clean energy substitutes

Coal combustion emission control & clean energy substitutes (non-power sector)

VOCs substitution and pollution prevention

Indoor air pollution control

Advanced pollution source and air quality monitoring

Advanced Ultra-Low Emission* Control Technology for Coal Fired Power Plant

Technology Manual: Downlaod 2016 Technology Manual
Technology Applicant
Air Powered Start-up System Shanghai ShenZhou Vehicle Energy Saving & Environmental Protection Co., Ltd.
Ammonia (Solid State) Storage and Delivery System (ASDS) Faurecia China
Slurry Atomization and Vortex Flow Field Technology for the Intensive Desulphurization of Flue Gas Beijing Chutian Ruiping Environmental Technology Co. Ltd. South China University of Technology
Zeta Electrode Boiler Beijing Zeta Energy Technology Corp.
Intermetallic Compound Paper Membrane Air Purification Intermet Technology Chengdu Co., Ltd.
Intermetallic Compound Paper Membrane Air Purification Intermet Technology Chengdu Co., Ltd.
Technology Applicant
Diesel engine emission reduction technologies & clean energy substitutes
Silicon Carbide Diesel Particulate Filters (Re-SiC-DPF) LiqTech International A/S
ART Diesel Vehicle Exhaust Treatment System Guizhou Huangdi Diesel Engine Cleaner Co., LTD.
BlueMAX NOVA 300e Nett Technologies Inc
EGS BOOST Eco Global Solutions,Inc.
XeroPoint Hybrid Propulsion System Aspin Kemp & Associates Inc.
VOCs substitution, monitoring and pollution prevention
Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer(RTO) Anguil Environmental Asia(Shanghai) Ltd.
Gas Filter Correlation Radiometry (GFCR) Gas Plume Imaging (GPI) Canada Inc.
Packaged Technology of VOCs Treatment and Recycling Based on the Adsorption and Recycling Technology of Activated Carbon Bay Environmental Technology(Beijing) Corp.
Smart detection technology for industrial VOCs leakage & fugitive emissions EnsMax LLC
Diffusive VOC Sampler IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd.
Coal combustion emission control & clean energy substitutes (non-power sector)
Low Temperature Flue Gas Simultaneous Desulfurization Denitrification and Dust Removal Technology Central Research Institute of Building and Construction Co.,Ltd.
Indoor air quality monitoring and air purification
Smart Fresh Air Purification System Jiangsu CASRS Pollution Control Engineering Co.,Ltd.
MayAir Germicidal Air Purifier D-Breath 5 MayAir Technology (China) Co., Ltd
Indoor Air Quality Online Sensing and Monitoring System Shanghai Digital Sensing Technology
Ultra-low emission control for coal-fired power plants
Powdered Activated Carbon FastPAC Premium ADA Carbon Solutions, LLC
A Low Concentration Stack Dust Sampling Probe with Heating System Qingdao Haina Electrooptical Environmental Protection Co.,Ltd.
Energy Foundation China Energy and Environment Branch of Chinese Society For Environmental Sciences
China Council for Industrial Environmental Protection (CIEP) Chinese Society of Environmental Sciences – Professional Committee for Pollution Prevention and Control of Volatile Organic Compounds
China Association of Environmental Protection Industry – Committee of Vehicle Emission Control Center for Environmental Education and Communications of Ministry of Environmental Protection (CEEC)
Xiamen Environment Protection Vehicle Emission Control Technology Center School of Environment, Tsinghua University
The Chemical Industry and Engineering Society of China- Water Borne Coatings Committee Air Liquide
Shanghai environmental protection exhibition Beijing Global Village Environmental Education Center
Beijing Energy Network European Union Chamber of Commerce in China
US-China Energy Cooperation Program China-Italy Chamber of Commerce
Chambre de Commerce et d'Industrie Française in Chine China-Britain Business Council
Asia Society (USA) UK Trade & Investment
Clean Air Alliance UK IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute Ltd.
ICLEI–Local Governments for Sustainability (Korea) Air and pollution management Association (USA)
International Fund for China’s Environment (USA) World future council (Germany)
U.S.-China Cleantech Center (USA) China Dezhou Entrepreneurs innovation platform
International air quality and science laboratory (Australia) Swiss clean technology association
VERT Association (Swiss) Swiss Chinese Chambers of Commerce
State of Green(Denmark) CLEAN ( Danish Cleantech Cluster)