Position:Bluetech Award
  • 【Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneers Award】
  • View:369   Post Date:2022-01-15
  • Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneers Award

    In 2022, Bluetech Clean Air Alliance (BCAA) and the Greentech Financing Platform (GFP) jointly launched the "Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneers Award ". The purpose of the award is to support and promote pioneering companies in the field of carbon neutrality, promote and disseminate the achievements of low-carbon technological innovation, and help China and the world to achieve carbon neutrality.

    Based on the "Bluetech Award" launched in 2015, the "Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneers Award " is focusing on the evaluation of technology enterprises and entrepreneurial teams in new energy, green transportation, energy storage, green building, energy conservation, intelligent manufacturing and other key tracks of low carbon technologies. The Bluetech Award has been carried out for six years, and a systematic evaluation mechanism and a project recruitment and acceleration networks across over 20 countries have been established.

    Award-Winning Support
    • Financing AssistanceAssist in matchmaking with lead & strategic investment funds;
    • IP EmpowermentProvide IP strategy guidance, build IP barriers, and manage IP risks;
    • Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality StrategyProvide guidance on corporate carbon peaking and carbon neutral strategy to enhance the low carbon competitiveness;
    • Industrial MatchmakingAssist in systematic matchmaking with the industrial ecosystem of partners;
    • Demonstration & PublicityRecommend participating in demonstration projects, including relevant networks and pilot projects under the United Nations;
    • Entrepreneurial CommunityAssist in joining in the exclusive carbon neutral entrepreneur community.
    Selection Advisory Committee

    Jun MA Chairman President of Institute of Finance and Sustainability (IFS)
    Director of the Green Finance Committee (GFD)
    Co-chair of the G20 Sustainable Finance Study Group

    " ‘Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneers Award’ will bring together all parties to select and accelerate outstanding green technological projects that can enhance the carbon neutrality process in China and the world"
    Advisory Committee (sorted by last name initial)
    Guo hua Cheng CR Capital(Beijing)
    General Manager
    Kejun JIANG Research Fellow, Energy
    Research Institute of Academy of
    Macroeconomic Research
    Guoliang LV Consultant, WIPO Office in China
    Former Director, International
    Division, China National Intellectual
    Hong LIANG Co-Chairs, Huatai Securities
    Co., Ltd. Business
    Yuebing LUChairman of the Board, Air
    Liquide (China) Holding
    Co., Ltd.
    Jade LU Executive Director, President of SPD Silicon Valley Bank and SVB Asia
    Lei MI Founding partner
    Rongtao Sun Head of China Strategic
    Investments, Aramco Ventures
    Hao XUVice President,
    Sustainable Social Value
    Organization, Tencent
    Shixu YANGPresident, BP
    Zhenhua YUStanding Vice President,
    China Energy
    Storage Alliance
    Kai ZHAOStanding Vice
    President, China
    Association of Circular
    Rongqing ZHANG President, National Green
    Development Fund Co., Ltd
    Lin ZUOPartner, Sequoia
    & Envision Carbon
    Neutral Fund
    Zhi Zhu CNOOC Fund
    General Manager
    Executive Committee(sorted by last name initial)
    Tonny XIE Director, Bluetech Clean Air Alliance (BCAA)
    Lijian ZHAO Head, Secretariat of Greentech Financing Platform; President, Carbon Trust China
    Woking Group Technical Expert Group(sorted by last name initial)

    Wenqi DUAN Senior Consultant, Bluetech Clean Air Alliance; Partner, Thor Capital
    Xin HE Technical Director, Bluetech Clean Air Alliance
    Xi YANG Deputy Director, Science and Technology Center of Institute of Finance and Sustainability
    Wenyi ZHANG Senior Consultant, Greentech Financing Platform; Vice President, Nature Elements Capital
    Yuguang ZHOU Deputy Secretary-General, Bluetech Clean Air Alliance

    Assessment Expert Group

    The organizers have invited several dozen industry experts, technical specialists, and investors in the field of carbon neutrality, forming an assessment expert group. This group also includes IP attorneys and consultants, who will assist the organizers in conducting an in-depth IP specialized review around the shortlisted projects.

    Award Process
    Award Introduction

    "Bluetech Carbon Neutrality Pioneers Award" welcome green and low-carbon technology enterprises from around the world. The goal of the award is to select a number of outstanding domestic and abroad green technology enterprises and entrepreneurial teams every year. Through the process of award assessment and publicity, to promote and disseminate knowledge of green and low-carbon technologies, help investment institutions to identify excellent investment opportunities effectively, and support the rapid growth of those green enterprises. There is no charge for the whole award selection process.

    The award will set up an expert teams, establish a scientific and fair scoring method and process to evaluate the applicant organization. The review will adopt a unified evaluation framework, process, evaluation standards and data quality control requirements, and focus on the following aspects:

    • Special Evaluation: Pay attention to the ”deep tech” attributes and industry leadership of the applicant, organize experts to carry out special evaluation for "Technical Features" and "IP competitiveness".
    • Comprehensive Evaluation: Through expert review, systematically evaluate the comprehensive performance of enterprises and teams in terms of l innovation, green and low-carbon benefits, growth potential, team and corporate strategy, business model and other dimensions.

    Selection Criteria
    Requirements for Application

    1) Enterprises or entrepreneurial teams in the field of green technology;
    2) The products or services of the enterprise have relative high technological content and innovative significance;
    3) The products or services of the enterprise have obvious greenhouse gas emission reduction benefits and other environmental benefits;
    4) The enterprise has a relatively good corporate governance mechanism and social responsibility performance.

    Application Process

    1)Click Companies or Startup Teams application form
    2) Fill in and submit the application form and relevant information before 30 April 2023;
    3) Participate in online exhibition and Q&A after passing the preliminary screening;
    4) Key shortlisted enterprises will be invited to participate in offline road show and communicate with experts;
    5) Participate awarding ceremony for the award-winning enterprises

    Evaluation Process

    The selection group will carry out the following work:
    1) Preliminary screening: The selection group will conduct a document review and exclude the applications that does not meet the basic requirements;;
    2) Short-list evaluation: A shortlist will be determined through online presentation, expert review and scoring;
    3) On-site investigation and evaluation: On-site investigation and assessment will organized for some of the applications;
    4) Off-line roadshows and expert evaluation: Invite key shortlisted enterprises to carry out offline road shows, and invite experts (including experts of the Selection Advisory Committee) to evaluate and score. ;
    5) Determine the winning list: The winning list will be finally determined by the Selection Advisory Committee.

    Award Release

    The award results and ceremony will be held at the annual meeting of the Greentech Financing Platform (GFP).


    Founded in January 2013, Bluetech Clean Air Alliance (BCAA) focuses on the development of green and low-carbon technologies and industries and accelerating global sustainable development through technology transfer, technology assessment and demos, investment service, IP protection, and policy research. The members of BCAA include companies, research institutes and universities.

    BCAA has carried out pilot projects in 12 provinces and cities in China, published over 50 policy and market research reports, assessed over 400 advanced clean air technologies from 22 countries, established collaborations with partners across 20 countries. BCAA became an official strategic partner of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in 2019. With the support of WIPO, Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office and other partners, BCAA launched the project of IP Enabling Green Technology, and carried out a series of activities and pilot work in the field of green technology intellectual property awareness raising and high-value patent cultivation, including IP strategy trainings, seminars, international transfer of green science and technology, city acceleration project, etc.

    The Greentech Financing Platform (GFP) was initiated by the Institute of Finance and Sustainability (IFS) and multi cooperation organizations in May 2021. The platform will make full use of the resources of the Institute of Finance and Sustainability (IFS) and multi cooperation organizations, and work together with scientists and technological innovation enterprises, connect financial resources and support the development of economy and green technology. Members of GFP include financial institutions (PE/VC investors, banks, insurance etc.), green technology enterprises, and domestic and foreign research institutions, scientists and engineers who provide green technology.

    Co-sponsors of GFP include Institute of Green Finance & Sustainable Development, The Green Finance Committee (GFC) of China Society for Finance and Banking, Beijing Green Finance Association, Beijing Private Equity Association, Finance Committee of Distinguished Expert Committee of Overseas Chinese Federation, Shanghai Private Equity Association, Bluetech Clean Air Alliance, China Association of Circular Economy, Green Technology Bank, China Energy Storage Alliance, Zhejiang Zhijiang Venture Capital Research Institute, Energy and Environmental Service Industry Alliance, etc. The Secretariat of GFP is hosted by the Green Technology Innovation and Investment Gateway jointly established by Institute of Finance and Sustainability (IFS) and the Carbon Trust.

    • Institute of Green Finance & Sustainable • China Association of Circular Economy• The United Nations Development Programme Development• China Association of Environmental Protection Industry (UNDP)• The Green Finance Committee (GFC) of • Committee of Green Circular and Inclusive • WIPO GREEN China Society for Finance and BankingDevelopment of All-China Environment Federation• WWF• Beijing Green Finance Association• Energy Conservation Technology Promotion • Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA)• Beijing Private Equity AssociationCommittee of China Energy Conservation Association• Plug and Play China(PNP)• Shanghai Private Equity Association• Chinese Renewable Energy Industries Association • Carbon Trust• Green Technology Bank• China Electric Vehicle Charing Technology and • bp China• Zhejiang Zhijiang Venture Capital Research Industry Alliance• RX S-FutureInstitute • Council of Industry and Technology Alliances In • Manufacturers of Emission Controls • Sequoia & Envision Carbon Neutral Fund Z-Park Association• Hillhouse Capital Industry and Innovation • ZGC International• US-China Clean Tech Center (UCCTC) Research Institute• Energy and Environmental Service Industry Alliance• IVL Swedish Environmental Research Institute• K2VC• China Energy Storage Alliance• Korea Energy, Climate Change and • Enze Fund of Sinopec Capital• Tsinghua X-Lab Environment Association• CECEP Fund• University of Science and Technology Beijing National • Swiss Clean Technology Association• Lightspeed China Partners Science Park• State of Green (Denmark)• Shunwei Capital• Tus-Holdings Science & Technology Park (Zhejiang)• Impact Hub Shanghai• Cedarlake Capital• BUAA Tianhui Incubator• M-Hub• Tsinghua Technology Transfer Fund• C Team• Air Liquide• CASSTAR• TAN LIVE• SPD Silicon Valley Bank• Beijing Municipal Intellectual Property Office